Statistics of North Barito Regency Holds Training for Village Potential Data Collection (PODES) 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Barito Utara Regency

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Statistics of North Barito Regency Holds Training for Village Potential Data Collection (PODES) 2021

Statistics of North Barito Regency Holds Training for Village Potential Data Collection (PODES) 2021

May 29, 2021 | BPS Activities

Muara Teweh - Sunday, 30 May 2021

Statistics of North Barito Regency (BPS Barito Utara) held a Village Potential Data Collection Training in 2021 (PODES 2021), at the Armani Hotel - Muara Teweh, on Saturday - Sunday, 29-30 May 2021. Training activity was attended by 20 participants with details 15 people are assigned as data collectors and 5 as data supervisors. Of the 20 participants, 10 were statistical partners of the Statistics of North Barito Regency who had experience in various census/survey activities. Meanwhile, the other 10 participants were Statistics North Barito Regency employees. Before participating in the training, trainees carry out the Covid-19 Antigent Rapid Test, as an absolute requirement to take part in the training.

This data collection is the only comprehensive region-based data collection that portrays the socio-economic reality in all government administrative areas at the village level. The results of the PODES 2021 became a reference for many parties, including the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of Republic of Indonesia, so that the validity and accuracy of the PODES 2021 data is highly demanded, and this is a challenge that becomes encouraging in presenting quality data.

Village development must be a priority in national development because it is closely related to efforts to develop Indonesia from the periphery by strengthening regions and villages within the framework of Indonesia. The village development movement is aimed at supporting the implementation of the Village Law and overseeing the achievement of the 2020-2024 Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM) targets.

"Building villages from the periphery by strengthening regions and villages within the framework of Indonesia", is the third point of President Jokowi's Nawa Cita. But of course, development will not have the right direction if it is not based on accurate and correct data.

The purpose of PODES 2021 data collection is to produce data for regional development needs, provide data on the potential of the area, the availability of infrastructure facilities, and the socio-economic conditions in each village. Then the specific objective of PODES 2021 data collection is to provide data that can support the planning of the 2023 Agricultural Census, as a means of updating the village master file, providing data on the existence and development of potentials of urban villages which include social, economic, regional facilities and infrastructure.

The Head of Statistics of North Barito Regency, Ahmad Nasrullah, officially opened the training in his remarks conveying to statistics employee training participants and statistics partners that they can participate in this training as good as  possible that they can apply it well when collecting data.

PODES 2021 data collection is scheduled to begin on June 2, 2021 to June 30, 2021. Hopefully the data collection will run smoothly, get quality and accurate data, and can be optimally utilized by stakeholders.
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